AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

Understanding the Map Interface

You can display and locate many different types of AssetWise objects on a geographical map. Objects can be arranged on layers, and turned on or off, depending on what information you want to view. You can also determine which objects can be selected, and to what degree of transparency.

For example, you can view road network assets such as bridges and culverts, street nodes, tunnels, and speed limits, each on their own map layer.

Navigating the Map

The AssetWise CONNECT Edition mapping feature has multiple tools to assist you in navigating the map.

Icon Name Purpose
Navigation arrows Select an arrow to step backward or forward to the last or previous map zoom.
Enable snapping When selected, vertices of asset locations can be connected by adhering to a grid.
Zoom in Select this icon to increase map magnification.
Zoom out Select this icon to decrease map magnification.
Zoom to extent When selected, you can drag over an area of the map to increase the magnification.
Zoom to default extent When selected, the map zoom resets to its default magnification.
Home When selected, the map reverts to its saved magnification and position.
Pan When selected, the cursor changes into a hand icon ( ), and you can position it onto the map and drag it to move the map view in the direction of your choosing.
Select When selected, you must choose one of the following:
  • Select by point - The asset is selected by clicking on a position on the map. This is the default option.
  • Select by rectangle - Drag over an area of the map, to display all assets within the selected area.
  • Select by polygon - Select multiple points on the map, to define the geographical boundary to display assets within that selection.

For more information, see Selecting Assets on a Map

Clear When selected, the current action is canceled.
Measurement When selected, you must choose one of the following:
  • Line - Click points on the map and have the map automatically determine the total contiguous distance, based on the chosen measurement system.
  • Area - Click points on the map to have the map determine the total area that is selected, based on the chosen measurement system.
  • Linear reference measure - Select a position on the map to have a dialog appear that displays linear reference coordinates.

Center When selected, a dialog appears, allowing you to enter an exact location based on coordinate system to which the map will be centered.

Off network geometry When selected, you can choose one of the following:

Add - Select to add an asset by clicking on a location on the map. This is the default option. See Creating Asset Locations Using the Map.

Relocate - Select to relocate an asset on the map. See Adjusting Asset Locations on a Map.

Retire - Select to assign a date to retire the selected asset. See Retiring an Asset Location.

Layers and legend Invokes the Map Layers dialog in which you can select layers to view from the Catalog, view the current active layers on the map, and set the transparency of background objects on the map.

Save view Saves the current view (magnification and position) as the Home view.
Print Invokes the Print Options dialog. You can select the paper size, resolution, scale of the printed map, as well as include a Title and Description to be printed with the map. The map is sent to your default printer.